Welcome to my personal website

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THis is where you get to know more about me, and could draw inspirations from here.

Please continue reading through the site and i wish u good luck


I am SIBOMANA GLORRY (my photo is attached above) a Burundian currently living and studying in Uganda's capital kampala. I am much involved into technology mostly computing and information technology and systems and as such, i hold a Bachelor's degree in Software engineering with a wide range of knowlege about techniques to solve current problems facing the community interms of digitalizing the day to day activities.

I am a well brought up, committed and an innovative person who believes in job efficiency and yet accurate work. I am a person free to associate and work with any categories of people in the tasks assigned and therefore have good interpersonal skills.

Furthermore, I am a simple and easy to reach/approach person who values every person’s position as being equal and therefore can attend to any class/categories of people. Always doing the right thing at the right time is my slogan and ready to adapt to future changes in the organization, coming up with new skills as indicated by being innovative.


Feel like you need to talk to me? I am just a message away. Please send me a message to talk to me by filling the form below.